Employment Law Update and Forecast:
What is the Legal Horizon for Employers
for 2023?
presented by Tamara Devitt
Employers with California operations have to keep on their toes given the constantly changing employment law landscape. A recent surge in new legislation and case law developments makes it tougher than ever to stay on top of the changes, much less implement effective compliance strategies. This Employment Law roundtable will educate employers on new legislation and case law, and share best practices for navigating California's unique workplace laws.
Topics include recent developments in the areas of:
- Emerging wage and hour issues, including remote work, suitable seating, security checks, California’s Private Attorney’s General Act
- Workplace safety and COVID-19
- Leave of absence and disability accommodations
- Restrictions on confidentiality provisions in settlement agreements and restrictive covenants
- Privacy and cyber-sleuthing
- Expanded anti-discrimination/anti-retaliation laws

Tamara Devitt, Haynes and Boone, LLP
Tamara counsels and represents employers in all aspects of labor and employment law. Clients turn to Tamara for defense against claims of discrimination, unlawful harassment, wrongful termination, unfair business practices, and wage and hour claims, including class actions and complex litigation.
Tamara also advises employers on compliance, including hiring, discipline and termination practices, wage and hour issues, misconduct investigations (i.e., harassment, workplace violence, embezzlement), leaves of absence, reasonable accommodation of employees with disabilities, policies and procedures, and employment agreements.
Clients appreciate Tamara’s practical approach and ability to solve complicated employment issues. Tamara understands that today’s employment matters are not only complex, but also can be highly sensitive and urgent. In an environment where corporate misconduct, confidential information, and allegations of wrongdoing can quickly become public and cause disruption to her clients, Tamara handles matters with responsiveness and care.
She offers clients an unusual depth of experience in employment law, having joined the firm from a national labor and employment boutique where she exclusively represented management and also served as a regional managing partner. Before becoming an employment lawyer, Tamara worked for nine years in human resources, where she handled employee relations, leaves of absence, and benefits.