Employer Medicare Basics
presented by Kim Caldwell & Fanny Pacheco
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This session will cover A, B, C, D’s of Medicare, Employer vs Medicare Choices, Employee Medicare Considerations; Medicare Secondary Payor Rules, HSA’s, Penalties, COBRA and Part D Credibility.
FAQ’s – how you can assist your employees who have Medicare Questions.

Kim Caldwell, Vice President of Divisional Operation, Aerotek
Kim Caldwell has over 20 years of experience working in the Human Capital Management field as the Vice President of Divisional Operation for Aerotek. Her experience is in Business Development, Operations and Strategic Direction. 6 years ago; for her second career Kim became a managing partner at PBI Insurance. Kim has dedicated her time to understanding Medicare and is passionate about helping Medicare Eligible Members understand their Medicare Options.
Fanny Pacheco, PBI Insurance
Fanny Pacheco brings 17 years of Healthcare Management experience to the PBI Insurance team. Fanny managed multi-specialty healthcare facilities throughout Southern California before bringing her experience to PBI Insurance. Fanny is PBI Insurance’s primary Medicare expert where she uses her unique provider perspective background to provide Medicare Eligible Members unsurpassed advice regarding their ongoing HealthCare needs.