"Public Speaking: Get A's, Not Zzzzzz's!" - Be Prepared, Polished, and Powerful When You Speak
public speaking
Public speaking coach Milo Shapiro, author of Public Speaking: Get A's, Not Zzzzzz's! has helped hundreds of professionals become prepared, polished, and powerful when they speak.
HRCI - HR (General):1.25, SHRM - PDC:1.25
CAHR Conference
Public speaking coach Milo Shapiro, author of Public Speaking: Get A's, Not Zzzzzz's! has helped hundreds of professionals become prepared, polished, and powerful when they speak. In the keynote version of his book, using his playful, story-filled approach, Milo will cover: • capturing the power of story to give make points sizzle • setting the stage with your body to help people visualize • The Seven Variants of Vocal Variety™ • The Four Stages to Successful Speech Structure™ • Common ways that we alienate / distract our audiences • taking control of Q&A Full of fun, this interactive presentation is full of chances to try out some of the material, and loaded with juicy aha's to avoid learner burnout! Whether this topic gives you the chills OR it's an area in which you think you excel, there will be valuable ideas from this professional speaker who has been with the National Speakers Association for more than 10 years.