What's Hot, What's Not and What's Next for Emerging HR Professionals
hr roundtable
Pamela Green, SPHR, ACC, President and CEO, The Coaching Institute will moderate a panel composed of experienced HR subject matter experts who will take questions from the audience to engage participants in a robust discussion.
HRCI - HR (General):1.25, SHRM - PDC:1.25
CAHR Conference
Pamela Green, SPHR, ACC, President and CEO, The Coaching Institute will moderate a panel composed of experienced HR subject matter experts who will take questions from the audience to engage participants in a robust discussion. The panelists are a mix of senior level HR practitioners, consultants, and a VPHR who will offer guidance on matters of professional significance. The topics discussed will include emerging trends, HR issues, HR certification, HR policies and career advice importance to promising HR professionals. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss what the next level of HR "looks" like, identify the expectations that come at a more strategic level, get answers to questions regarding HR best practices, share their own personal ‘war stories’, and anything else which will add value to someone who is coming up through the ranks. The ideal audience for this panel is entry level HR practitioners, as well as “emerging professionals”. In order to generate a vibrant discussion, participants will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance via text messages and submitted forms.