What All HR Execs Wish Their Frontline Managers Knew About Leadership
Personal & Leadership Development
Based on Paul’s newest book, “75 Ways for Managers to Hire,
Develop, and Keep Great Employees,” this workshop will address strategic
approaches to leading employees effectively throughout the employment
HRCI - HR (General):1.25, SHRM - PDC:1.25
is both an art and a science. California is particularly well known for its
“science” side (AKA laws with teeth), which falls on the defensive side of
the leadership paradigm, while the artistic side focuses on motivation and
engagement, effective communication, and successful team building
capabilities. Based on Paul’s newest book, “75 Ways for Managers to Hire,
Develop, and Keep Great Employees,” this workshop will address strategic
approaches to leading employees effectively throughout the employment
lifecycle. Specifically, we’ll address how to:
• Identify the best and the brightest talent and hire for organizational compatibility
• Communicate constructively and proactively to build trust and respect
• Create an environment that motivates and engages teams
• Sidestep litigation landmines
• Quickly get all your company’s managers on the same page in terms of leadership best practices.
Packed with leadership wisdom from the trenches, this workshop is all about management with a heart, selfless leadership, and getting teams to deliver 110% because they want to, not because they have to.
• Identify the best and the brightest talent and hire for organizational compatibility
• Communicate constructively and proactively to build trust and respect
• Create an environment that motivates and engages teams
• Sidestep litigation landmines
• Quickly get all your company’s managers on the same page in terms of leadership best practices.
Packed with leadership wisdom from the trenches, this workshop is all about management with a heart, selfless leadership, and getting teams to deliver 110% because they want to, not because they have to.