The Days of Firing for Weed are Up in Smoke:
Using Reasonable Suspicion to Address
Workplace Drug Use
presented by Heather Arcos
How can companies approach workplace drug or alcohol usage now that California's employment law (AB 2188) gives employees cannabis protections and additional restrictions on drug testing starting in 2024? Discover the actions your management team may take to effectively implement and record a no-tolerance drug and alcohol policy's reasonable suspicion. It takes more than a broad "no tolerance" policy to prove impairment, test an employee, and reprimand and/or terminate employment in a risk-averse manner.

Heather Arcos, HR Consultant, BBSI
Over 15 years of progressive HR and Payroll experience. With a comprehensive background in all areas of Human Resources and the ability to successfully partner with leaders to help them achieve strategic and operational goals, while mitigating risk.