Defeating Gender Bias:
Three Communication Strategies for
Professional Women
presented by Lorie Reichel-Howe
The way people communicate will increase or decrease their career success. Research shows that speaking up in a forceful, assertive way is risky. This is especially true for women who battle the cultural stereotypes that interpret assertive women as noncaring, emotional and aggressive. It is possible for women to learn to communicate effectively and confidently without compromising their values, giving up their power, or risking their career success.
Learn specific communication skills that allow you to speak confidently and directly. Respectfully address issues of concern and present differing perspectives with clarity and conviction. Implement communication strategies that allow you to overcome resistance, dismissal, and gender discrimination.
Learning Objectives include:
- Implement strategies for effectively talking and collaborating when opinions differ.
- Articulate your views and positions clearly and competently.
- Communicate in a manner that gets heard.
- Respectfully address issues of concern.
- Overcome resistance, dismissal, and gender discrimination.

Lorie Reichel-Howe, Founder, Senior Trainer, Conversations In The Workplace
Lorie Reichel-Howe is founder of Conversations in the Workplace. She equips managers, teams, and business professionals to have “Safe Conversations” – transformative dialogue that uncovers hidden workplace issues. Whether addressing challenging team dynamics, mismanaged expectations, cultural insensitivity, or good old-fashioned bad behavior, “Safe Conversations” foster greater innovation, inclusion, and collaboration within organizations.
With over 20 years of experience in leadership development and relationship management, Lorie is passionate about equipping leaders with the skills to create and maintain a culture of respect and accountability.
Lorie Reichel-Howe is founder of Conversations in the Workplace. She equips managers, teams, and business professionals to have “Safe Conversations” – transformative dialogue that uncovers hidden workplace issues. Whether addressing challenging team dynamics, mismanaged expectations, cultural insensitivity, or good old-fashioned bad behavior, “Safe Conversations” foster greater innovation, inclusion, and collaboration within organizations.
With over 20 years of experience in leadership development and relationship management, Lorie is passionate about equipping leaders with the skills to create and maintain a culture of respect and accountability. Lorie is a professional mediator and leadership communication coach. She has supported organizations such as Pinterest, SYGMA, SHRM, PIHRA,, Women in Technology International, Los Angeles Women’s Leadership Conference, Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles, Santa Clara Superior Court, San Jose State University, Santa Clara County Office of Education and many more. Learn more about Lorie’s impact at