Vice President, Expatriate Benefits & Global Travel International Employee Benefit Solutions, Inc.
Tony has more than 30 years of experience in underwriting, client management and business development within both the domestic and international employee benefits industry. He is an expert at developing and implementing benefit solutions for globally mobile employees on international assignments or business travel. Tony has traveled to 22 countries and has met with physicians and hospital administrators in Hong Kong, Spain, Portugal, Costa Rica and Thailand. He protects not only the employees’ health and safety overseas, but also the employer’s return on investment of their international workforce.
• Northern California Human Resource Association
• Northern California Employee Benefits Council
• Medical Tourism Conference
• Worldwide ERC Global Mobility Specialist (GMS) Certification
• Silicon Valley HRA Global HR Summit
• Seattle’s Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) – S.I.G.
• Benefit Advisors Network Annual Conference
• My CEO is traveling overseas tomorrow – is she covered for medical care?
• Does the Affordable Care Act apply to foreign workers in the U.S. on temporary assignment?
• We are having a hard time hiring locals in India.
• Why has our company been surcharged for offering medical coverage in Australia?
• It is getting cumbersome to offer stipends for our few employees in several countries.
• Our lead engineer broke his arm, how do we get him home safely.
• What are standard benefits for UK employees in a start up?
• What is Duty of Care for our international assignees?