CAHR18 On Demand
Dennis Weinberg
Denny Weinberg is the CEO of Hixme, a new platform alternative for large employer health benefits. Hixme’s WorkPlace Market™ accesses thousands of direct-to-consumer health plans, aggregating them into a highly personalized Employer Group Health Plan. The result is a far larger and more stable risk pool than traditional employer-by-employer pooling approaches. Hixme’s coverages are more affordable due to integrated health plan “bundles” that manage risk and personal preferences better than stand-alone health plans.
Previously, Denny was a 35 year veteran executive in healthcare financing and operations including a 20 year tenure with the original founding executive team of Wellpoint (Anthem), and served as CEO of a number of its largest and more unique operating companies.
Denny has served the private equity boards of Renal Ventures Management and Applied Merchant Systems. His public company board service has included Independent Director and Audit Committee Chair at Dole Food Company (NYSE:DOLE), Salem Communications Corp (NASDAQ:SALM), Health Management, Inc. (NASDAQ:HMI) and as inside Director at Wellpoint, Inc. (NYSE:WLP).