California's Fair Pay Act: Every Employer's Steps to Compliance
CAHR18 On Demand
Richard Falcone
Rich is a shareholder with the Littler Mendelson law firm and has been representing, advising, defending and teaching employers in every aspect of employment and labor relations law for over 35 years. Rich is a regular speaker the PIHRA Annual Conference, the PIHRA Legal Updates, and at local PIHRA Districts.
CalBar - MCLE:1.25, HRCI - California:1.25, SHRM - PDC:1.25

Given the significant emphasis on pay equity issues, employers are well advised to take a close look at their compensation policies and practices. Conducting a compensation analysis and determining any necessary remediation is not for the inexperienced. When you sit down with your legal counsel and review these new laws, here’s what you should know. 1. California Fair Pay Act Basics The Basic Legal Requirements Pay Equity Pay Transparency Records Retention Enforcement Salary History Providing Position Pay Scales Upon Request How the Act Eliminates Most Employer Defenses Employer Use of Seniority, Performance and Quality of Work Employer Use of Factors Other Than Sex to Justify Wage Differences 2. How to Audit Your Pay Systems / Compensation & Compliance Analysis How to Identify Substantially Similar Jobs How to Determine Sex-Based Wage Differences Employer Defenses to Wage Differences Use of Statistical Analysis Taking Corrective Action Attorney Client Privilege and Audit Results 3. The Biggest Myths About the Act 4. Your Steps to Compliance 5. Handouts: Audit & Checklist Forms