The Perfect Storm: How COVID-19, the Gig Economy, and Consumer Empowerment are Finally Changing Healthcare
CAHR20 | Presented by Sean Mehra
This year brought a confluence of circumstances punctuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. With small businesses under duress, contract work on the rise, and millions out of work, employer-provided healthcare is no longer the standard for most of America. At the same time, empowered consumers are managing their own health and expect on-demand service and transparency. Now that consumers have embraced telehealth as a viable long-term option for medical care, big brains and big money are rewriting the rules on how healthcare is accessed and consumed. The result will be healthcare that's more affordable, convenient, and accessible than ever—a feat no less historic nor less impactful to the field of medicine than the inventions of antibiotics or vaccines.
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1.0 HR (General), 1.0 SHRM PDC

The Perfect Storm: How COVID-19, the Gig Economy, and Consumer Empowerment are Finally Changing Healthcare
Presented by Sean Mehra, HealthTap, Founder & Chief Operating Officer
Education Track: Compensation & Benefits
Learning Level: Applied
Eligible for 1.0 HR (General) Credit
This year brought a confluence of circumstances punctuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. With small businesses under duress, contract work on the rise, and millions out of work, employer-provided healthcare is no longer the standard for most of America. At the same time, empowered consumers are managing their own health and expect on-demand service and transparency. Now that consumers have embraced telehealth as a viable long-term option for medical care, big brains and big money are rewriting the rules on how healthcare is accessed and consumed. The result will be healthcare that's more affordable, convenient, and accessible than ever—a feat no less historic nor less impactful to the field of medicine than the inventions of antibiotics or vaccines.
Learning Objectives:
This year brought a confluence of circumstances punctuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. With small businesses under duress, contract work on the rise, and millions out of work, employer-provided healthcare is no longer the standard for most of America. At the same time, empowered consumers are managing their own health and expect on-demand service and transparency. Now that consumers have embraced telehealth as a viable long-term option for medical care, big brains and big money are rewriting the rules on how healthcare is accessed and consumed. The result will be healthcare that's more affordable, convenient, and accessible than ever—a feat no less historic nor less impactful to the field of medicine than the inventions of antibiotics or vaccines.
Learning Objectives:
1. How American workers are using telehealth services
2. The major health concerns of the moment that are affecting focus and productivity
3. How to navigate healthcare benefits in the midst of rapid innovation and disruption
About Sean Mehra: