The Global Economy and Its Impact Locally
for Business and Employees
presented by Demos Vardiabasis, PhD
Demos will be speaking about the Economic Effects of the Economy Today.
His experience and travels around the world, meeting with leaders from many countries gives him insights that are unique to him. He has been involved with the local economy as well, working with state government and his students earning their MBA and PhD. He takes his students, business owners and mid-level management leaders across the globe to listen to government officials speak about their economy and plans.
You will learn what we as individuals and Human Resources Executives need to know to inspire understanding of the importance of our financial decisions in these times, preparing us for our future as a country and world.

Demosthenes Vardiabasis, PhD, Professor of Economics, Graziadio Business School
Dr. Vardiabasis has over 25 years of experience as a professor, entrepreneur, executive, and consultant. He has founded several companies and has served as a chairman and CEO of the IQ Now Corporation, which was acquired by a public company and of Health Windows, which provided services to such companies as American Express, Hilton, Yamaha, and Honeywell. As a consultant, Dr. Vardiabasis has worked with companies representing a wide range of industries, including: Baxter Healthcare, Northwest Airlines, ICTS Europe, Edison Utilities, Northgate Supermarkets, El Proyecto, Brinks, Greek National Tourism Organization, Korean government, Latin Business Association, and the Arthritis Foundation. He has been an advisor and board member of several start-up companies. He served as a member of the U.S. committee to assist Russian Reform and of the National Policy Forum, chaired by U. S. Senator Phil Gramm. Recently he was appointed as Economic Commissioner in California by Governor Schwarzenegger. Dr. Vardiabasis, through his company, Global Strategic Edge, is currently working with executives and entrepreneurs on business strategy and creative operational solutions.
Dr. Vardiabasis has published extensively in refereed journals, business magazines, and conference proceedings. He is the editor of a five-volume book on economics, published by Salem Press and has contributed to the book International Trade: Global Commodity Price Stabilization, published by Quorum Books. A number of his articles have appeared in Annual Editions in Marketing, Business Insights, International Journal of Management, Mergers and Acquisitions, Journal of Commerce, Southwestern Economic Review, Business to Business, Journal of Economic Review, Japanese Management News, Developments in Marketing Science, Management Insight, and the Los Angeles Times.