From Expert to Executive - LeadershipSOPs
Session 1
presented by Edward Tyson
Two-Part Series
LeadershipSOPs Session 1: The Purpose, Work & Process of Leading
The first session of this two-part series will begin by guiding the participants through an exploration of the true purpose of leading, helping them clarify the three critical domains of leading, and asking them to visualize and commit to the power of translating these concepts into repeatable routines known as LeadershipSOPs. The session will end with a quick snap shot of the full LeadershipSOPs model and a question and answer period.
Session 1 Core Takeaways:
- Definition of Leadership (a process of social organization meant to yield willing, capable, and sustainable communities of effort)
- The Purpose of Leading (to cultivate willing, capable, and sustainable communities of effort commensurate with challenges / opportunities)
- The Three Domains of Leading (Structuring, Operating, and Perfecting Communities of Effort)
- The Process of Leading (developing and deploying standard operating procedures for structuring, operating, and perfecting communities of effort)

Edward (Ed) Tyson
Ed Tyson former strategy executive and Marine turned executive coach and organizational consultant, speaker, and published author. A master facilitator, Tyson has worked hand-in-hand with boards, leadership teams and C-level leaders from around the country to assess and correct issues ranging from solvency to strategy. He is a tested executive coach and an individual, group and organizational development expert. He has led multi-million-dollar change initiatives impacting tens of thousands of employees, developed strategic plans for companies of all sizes and sophistication and completed scores of strategic reorganizations.. -