Thriving in Your New Normal –
How to Cultivate Resilience During
Ongoing Change
presented by Rachel Karu, MS, PCC
We have now been in an altered state due to the pandemic for over one year. As we create this new normal it is crucial that we take care of ourselves, our businesses, our families, and others. As HR Professionals, we thrive at being in service to others and sometimes forget to put our “oxygen mask on first.” Please join this interactive and engaging workshop to come together as a community to increase our personal resilience by focusing on the foundational Resilience Facets: Self-Awareness, and Social Connection / Social Support. The session will provide advanced tips and tools which will support you personally as well as better serve your clients.
Learning Objectives:
- Define Resilience and set the context for why it is crucial when leading ourselves and others through change
- Increase our Self-Awareness resilience facet by identifying what we can control/influence/not control during this chaotic time
- Reflect on how you are currently doing at reaching out to your network for support
- Create an action plan to intentionally reach out for support

Rachel Karu, MS, PCC
Rachel’s personal journey as a recovering perfectionist inspired her to create Stepping into More - A professional and personal development company, dedicated to supporting clients to identify their GPS (natural gifts, passions, and where they like to be in service) in order to unearth and honor their true north: activities where the three components intersect. Prior to launching Stepping into More, highlights from Rachel’s corporate experience includes: Human Resources Manager at EMI Music Distribution and Manager of Organization Development and Training at Easton Sports. Rachel earned an MS in Counseling for Business, achieved her Coaching Credential through the International Coaching Federation and is a Certified Strengths Coach. Rachel is a Past President for the International Coaching Federation, Los Angeles and currently serves as Executive Advisor on the Board of Directors. Rachel serves as the Co-Leader for the International Coaching Federation virtual community - Coaching and Human Capital Community of Practice. Rachel is the author of Stepping into More: Lessons from a Recovering Perfectionist and the Producer of the CD – Stepping into More. Rachel is proud and delighted to be married for 31 years and to be called Mom by her two top teachers – her children.