Get to The Heart of Workplace Wellness:
5 Ways to Optimize Employee Well-Being
and Heart Health
presented by Terri L. Dougherty & Judy Kneiszel
Heart disease carries an annual workplace cost of $138 billon. Learn how you can support heart health and employee well-being through workplace policies and practices.
This webcast will address:
- Bottom-line benefits of workplace wellness
- Moving more at work
- Encouraging healthy eating
- Stress reduction and coping with pressure
- Making wellness continue to work

Terri L. Dougherty, Editor, J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc.
Terri L. Dougherty is an Editor on the human resources publishing team at J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. She is the editor of the LivingRight/Employee Health and Wellness Awareness Program and co-editor of the Everyday Drug and Alcohol Program manual. She also specializes in information on employment law posters.
Judy Kneiszel, Associate Editor, J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc.
Judy Kneiszel is an Associate Editor on the Human Resources Publishing Team at J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. She conducts research and creates content on a variety of HR-related topics including employee communication and discipline, background checks, discrimination, diversity and inclusion, policies and procedures, and sexual harassment prevention. Judy contributes to a number of Human Resource products including the Employment Law Regulatory Alert newsletter and the Essentials of Employee Relations manual.